Balchem Hearing Aid Coverage

UnitedHealth - Balchem Corp

  • UnitedHeatlh - Balchem Corp

    Insurance Pays: $5,000 Max

    How often: Every year

    You Pay: 20% after your yearly medical deductible.

    Where: UnitedHealth Hearing Care Network provider. Pure Hearing is a UnitedHealth provider.

    Hearing Aids: Scroll down to view one option. Other hearing aids are available just call to get details.


  • Phonak Lumity 90-R

    UnitedHealth price: $4,998 / set

    You Pay: Your deductible (e.g. $1,500)

    You Pay: 20% co-insurance ($699)

    Insurance Pays: $2,799

    If you have already met your deductible then you would only have to pay your 20% co-insurance.


selecthealth - Med Network